Lesson 99: Salvation is my only function here
We all come into this world with a sense that we’re here for a reason. Many of us spend our entire lives searching for something that will give our lives meaning, whether it’s through a job, a relationship, a thirst for power or wealth, or even a drive to do as much good as they can in the world. We fully believe that our purpose in this world is to do or be something that “makes a difference” in the world.
Could it be, though, that what we do out in this world isn’t really the key to finding our purpose? What if what we do, no matter how lowly or highly it is thought of by society, isn’t the point? What if the ultimate lesson of this life is to learn that no matter what we do or become in this world our purpose is only found in the spirit with which we do everything instead of finding the one thing we believe is our reason for living?
Success in this ego world is often judged by how much power, wealth and material toys we accumulate over the years. We climb the corporate and social ladder, and maybe somebody puts our picture on the cover of an international magazine to celebrate our creativity, wealth and power. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, unless the spirit you infuse that wealth and popularity with is one of fear, narcissism or selfishness. There are plenty of materially wealthy and powerful people in the world who remain miserable even as they are surrounded by a plethora of possessions.
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