Lesson 134: Let me perceive forgiveness as it is
One of my favorite techniques to use when I get caught up in feeling offended, hurt or otherwise slighted by the people around me is a phrase Brene Brown talks about using when she has a conflict with her husband: “The story I’m telling myself is …”
We all get caught up in our “somebody done me wrong” stories. Our ego eagerly fabricates all kinds of reasons why someone would treat you badly and tells you how right you are to be offended, to hate them, to scold them for being such awful humans and why they should come groveling back to you begging for your forgiveness.
Ah, forgiveness. The ego uses it as a powerful weapon. We deign to forgive others to show how spiritually superior we are to them and we beg others to forgive us because we feel they are spiritually superior to us. Such forms of “forgiveness,” this lesson tells us, are a distortion “that entails an unfair sacrifice of righteous wrath, a gift unjustified and undeserved, and a complete denial of the truth.”
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