AYoMW: April 21, 2020 — Stamp my ticket to paradise

Lesson 112: Review of
Lesson 93: Light and joy and peace abide in me, and
Lesson 94: I am as God created me.

I had a Monday all day yesterday, and it actually started on Sunday night when I made a poor decision that will dog me for weeks to come – but will pass, as all things do.

The reason I had a bad day was simple: I listened to my ego. It told me that I was a terrible person, a crappy leader, someone whom people should never be trusting to make a good decision. It told me that no matter what I do people will be mad at me, dismiss me and worst of all, not love me anymore.

Like I said, Monday all day …

One of the things the introduction to these review lessons asks us to do is to return to these words – these wonderful words of life that each lesson offers us on the hour and the half-hour and especially whenever we find ourselves tuning in to the lying voice of our ego. It speaks first and it speaks loudest so it grabs our attention before we can take that nanosecond to remember who we truly are and which Voice we should truly be listening to.

This is the point of doing the workbook: to create that gap, that moment between heeding the loud, lying voice of the ego and listening for the still, small Voice for God that is always speaking, even if we’re not listening. If we can feel the anxiety and pause – even if just for a moment – and stop ourselves from following the ego down the rabbit hole of fear and self-debasement, then we can hear that Voice for God who reminds us that light, and joy and peace abide within us and we remain as God created us – whole, perfect and innocent – even, and perhaps especially, when the ego’s voice grows loud and abusive.

I was able, after a talking myself off the emotional ledge yesterday, to recall the words of yesterday’s review that miracles are seen in light and that light and strength are one because they reside in me. I am whole – I am innocent – I am the power of God embodied in this world. The ego is a liar and will always seek to undercut the truth about ourselves.

Doing the workbook has not made me an enlightened master yet, but it is giving me the tools I need to combat the ego’s insistent, lying voice. I am learning, slowly, which Voice to listen deeply for and which Voice to trust.

Hafiz assures us that it is everyone’s destiny to remember who they are and return to the unity with God that they have never left.

He writes:

“It is written on the gate of heaven:

“Nothing in existence is more powerful than

“And destiny brought you here, to this page,
which is part of your ticket – as all things

“are – to return to God.”

Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

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